Need help with MHS GENESIS?
Call the Global Service Center 24/7 at 800-600-9332 (DSN 312-838-3000).
- Have a CAC? Get help via chat and email at the GSC online services portal.
- Need a DS Logon? Visit milConnect or call 800-538-9552.
- Overseas? Get country-specific support:
- Belgium: 0800-72115
- Germany: 0800-1011129
- Greece: 00800-12-5629
- Guam: 866-637-8725
- Italy: 800-782407
- Japan: 00531-1-20743
- Korea: 00798-14-800-5242
- Netherlands: 0800-0228847
- Panama: 001-800-151-1005
- Portugal: 800-8-12305
- Turkey: 0-800-151-1005
- United Kingdom: 08-005871786
- Spain: 900-951895
Contact Us About
Media Inquiries
Share a Great Experience
Have you had a fantastic experience with a DHA staff member, physician, or other medical professional? We love to celebrate the great work of our staff, so please reach out and let us know!
Reminder: please do not include any of your personal identifiable information or personal health information in your submission.
How to Address Various Concerns
DHA Inspector General Hotline
The Hotline provides a confidential and reliable avenue to report fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.
TRICARE Appeals and Grievances
Appeal a decision made about your benefit(s) or file a grievance over a quality-of-care concern.
Office of General Counsel
We provide legal counsel to the DHA under the authority, direction, and control of DOD’s general counsel.