All In Together
To successfully execute our strategy, we must take the right risks, innovate, test, and adapt. By doing so, we'll continue to make extraordinary healthcare experiences happen every day. We'll bring the joy back to practicing medicine and caring for our deserved population.
We will continue to deliver health care Anytime, Anywhere – Always.
Transforming Our Care Model
DHA is about making people's lives better. Our Strategic Plan will guide the transformation of our current care model by making investments to stabilize and modernize our system. To stabilize, we'll strengthen the foundation of our military hospitals and clinics. We’ll put the right policies, processes and staffing in place to deliver the highest value. We'll streamline our decision-making processes. Everything we do will tie to our Strategic Plan.
To modernize our system, we're:

Moving to a patient-centered, value-based model where patients have more options and flexibility.

Offering enhanced virtual care so we can meet patients where they are and when it makes sense.

Leveraging real-time business intelligence to enhance the overall patient experience.

Empowering healthcare teams to find innovative ways to reduce administrative burdens.
FY 2025-2030 Strategic Plan

DHA Strategic Framework FY25-30