Brig. Gen. Roger S. Giraud is a Distinguished Military Graduate of Texas A&M University. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science in 1991, and after an educational delay, a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science in 1993. He earned his Master of Health Administration from Baylor University in 2004 and a Master of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College in 2015.
His previous duty assignments include Medical Platoon Leader, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Cavazos, Texas; Executive Officer, Company C, 15th Forward Support Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division; S-2/3, 15th Forward Support Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division; S-4, Division Support Command, 1st Cavalry Division; Support Operations Maintenance Officer, 201st Forward Support Battalion, 1st Infantry Division; Commander, Company C, 201st Forward Support Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, Camp Monteith, Kosovo (Operation Joint Guardian) and Rose Barracks, Vilseck, Germany; Student, U.S. Army-Baylor University Graduate Program in Health Care Administration, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Health Care Administrative Resident, 121st General Hospital, 18th Medical Command, Seoul, Korea; Chief, Clinical Support Division, 121st General Hospital; Operations Officer and Small Group Instructor, AMEDD Captains’ Career Course, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Executive Officer, 421st Multifunctional Medical Battalion, Wiesbaden Army Airfield and Operation Iraqi Freedom, Joint Base Balad, Iraq; Operations Staff Officer, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Pentagon; Commander, 43rd Special Troops Battalion, 43rd Sustainment Brigade, Fort Carson, Colorado; Assistant Chief of Staff, Logistics, CJ-4/G-4, International Security Assistance Force Regional Command – South/4th Infantry Division, Operation Enduring Freedom, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan; Chief, G-35 Plans Division, U.S. Army Medical Command and HQDA, OTSG, Falls Church, Virginia; Executive Officer to The Surgeon General, HQDA OTSG and CG, USAMEDCOM, Pentagon; Commander, 2nd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, Camp Humphreys, Korea; Chief of Staff, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division; Commander, 1st Medical Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas; and Director of Policy and Force Integration and Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7, HQDA OTSG and USAMEDCOM. His most recent assignment was as the Deputy Commanding General – Operations, USAMEDCOM.
Giraud’s awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit (two oak leaf clusters), Bronze Star Medal (one oak leaf cluster), Meritorious Service Medal (one SLC), Army Commendation Medal (four oak leaf clusters), Army Achievement Medal (two oak leaf clusters), Expert Field Medical Badge, Parachutist Badge, Army Staff Identification Badge, German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (Gold), Order of Saint Michael, Order of Saint Barbara, and Order of Military Medical Merit. Giraud has also been awarded The Surgeon General’s “A” Proficiency Designator for professional achievement in the Medical Service Corps.