Col. Kenneth C. Lutz, a native of Illinois, enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve in 1994 as a combat medic. His active duty service began when he graduated from Western Illinois University in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in Law Enforcement & Justice Administration and commissioned as a 2nd Lt. in the Medical Service Corps.
Lutz’s prior military assignments include: Medical Platoon Leader, 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, Camp Casey, Republic of Korea; Executive Officer, Charlie Company, 407th Forward Support Battalion, Fort Liberty, North Carolina; Aide-de-Camp, 44th Medical Command, Fort Liberty, North Carolina and later CJTF-180, Bagram, Afghanistan; Commander, Charlie Company, 626th Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Chief of Medical Operations, 101st Airborne Division, Tikrit, Iraq; Brigade Medical Operations Officer, 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Bayji, Iraq; Commander, Charlie Company, 82nd Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Liberty, North Carolina and Baghdad, Iraq; S-3 and later Executive Officer, 28th Combat Support Hospital, Fort Liberty, North Carolina; Plans Officer, Headquarters International Security Assistance Force, Kabul , Afghanistan; Plans Officer, Headquarters Department of the Army Office of the Surgeon General, Washington DC; Commander of the 6th Medical Recruiting Battalion, Las Vegas, Nevada; Chief of Plans, Headquarters Department of the Army Office of the Surgeon General, Washington DC, and Deputy Chief of Staff for the Defense Health Agency, Falls Church, Virginia.
His military education includes the Army Medical Department Officer Basic Course, Combined Logistics Captain’s Career Course, Combined Arms and Services Staff School, resident Army Command and General Staff Officers’ College, and the Advanced Military Studies Program. He possesses a master’s degree in Adult, Occupational and Continuing Education from Kansas State University as well as a master’s degree in Military Art and Science from the School of Advanced Military Studies.