Ms. Alicia M. English is the Director of Administration and Management (J-1) for the Defense Health Agency, Falls Church, Virginia.
Ms. English holds a bachelor’s degree in communication studies and international studies from Virginia Tech; a master’s degree from The Darden School of Business, University of Virginia; and a master’s degree in strategic studies from the Army War College.
Ms. English came to the DHA from the U.S. Army Medical Command, where she served as Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, Resource Management, providing direction and oversight to the Army Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution process. Prior to her role with MEDCOM, she was the Army Liaison Officer to Defense Health Agency, MHS Governance, and served as the Surgeon General’s special advisor for coordination and decisions on MHS reform. Her other roles include Deputy to the Commanding General, Regional Health Command - Europe, Sembach, Germany; Director, Strategy and Innovation and Lean Six Sigma Deployment Director, Regional Health Command - Europe; Director, DOD Executive Agencies, Office of the Surgeon General; Deputy Chief, Transformation, for the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, Kaiserslautern, Germany; and several roles in state government and the private sector developing strategic plans and evaluating program and agency consolidations.
Ms. English’s awards include the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, Superior Civilian Service Award, Commander’s Award for Civilian Service, Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service, and Special Act Awards for performance.