Our Facilities

Bassett Army Community Hospital

Brooke Army Medical Center
Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi

2d Medical Group

5th Medical Group

6th Medical Group

7th Medical Group

8th Medical Group

14th Medical Group

17th Medical Group

18th Medical Group

19th Medical Group

22d Medical Group

28th Medical Group

35th Medical Group

36th Medical Group

42d Medical Group

47th Medical Group

49th Medical Group

51st Medical Group

56th Medical Group

Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center

60th Medical Group

71st Medical Group

81st Medical Group

82d Medical Group

87th Medical Group

90th Medical Group

92d Medical Group

97th Medical Group

341st Medical Group

354th Medical Group

374th Medical Group

375th Medical Group

377th Medical Group

436th Medical Group

509th Medical Group

628th Medical Group

673d Medical Group
Our Leaders

Maj. Gen. Thomas W. Harrell

Ms. Mei-Ling C. Taylor
Network Spotlights

Brooke Army Medical Center
Brooke Army Medical Center, located on Joint Base San Antonio - Fort Sam Houston, is the sole Level I Trauma Center within the DOD. BAMC administers lifesaving care to over 4,000 military and civilian trauma patients each year from an area that encompasses 22 counties in SW Texas and 2.2 million people.

Keesler Blood Donor Center
Keesler Blood Donor Center, located on Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., is critical to supporting our nation's warfighters worldwide. As the Gulf Coast Region's sole military donor center within the Armed Services Blood Program, Keesler collaborates closely with sister services, veterans, and communities across four states.

Wilford Hall Surgical Center Sleep Clinic
Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center’s Sleep Disorders Clinic, located on Joint Base San Antonio Lackland, is the largest of its kind in the DOD with 16 beds capable of evaluating patients of all ages. This joint Air Force/Army sleep lab is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi
Naval Health Clinic Corpus Christi and its Naval Branch Health Clinics Kingsville and Fort Worth provide ambulatory care services to over 13,000 enrolled patients, primary care services to Navy students at the METC at Fort Sam Houston, and case management services and medical board management at BAMC.
Network News

Air Force Medical Leaders Observe Cutting-Edge Medical Readiness Training
During the visit, attendees received briefings on tactical combat casualty care, medical resource planning, and aeromedical evacuation procedures.

Medically and Mission Ready
Members of the 90th Medical Group BSC certify that all aspects of a military member’s health are taken care of so that the 90th Missile Wing’s mission can be performed daily.

Wilford Hall Lab Sets the Gold Standard in Military Medicine
This laboratory has become a vital part of ensuring mission readiness and health for military personnel and their families.

19th Medical Group Hosts Training Exercise
The 19th Medical Group hosted an exercise simulating a deployment that simulated what a medical care station would operate like under high stress conditions.