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Presented by the Uniformed Services University’s Center for Health Services Research and Defense Health Agency Research and Engineering Military Health System Research Program

The CHSR and DHA R&E invite you to save the date for a State of the Science Symposium in Health Services Research in the Military Health System. This 2-day event will bring together speakers and attendees from the military, Federal civilian, and private sectors to discuss research for meeting current and emerging challenges to healthcare in the MHS and the Nation.

Health services research is an interdisciplinary field that uses basic and applied research to identify and address the major inefficiencies of health systems. Military health services research specifically fosters research capability and capacity that supports the Military Health System priorities of becoming a learning health system and building a modernized, integrated, and resilient health delivery system as well as emerging priorities such as ensuring health equity, delivering value-based care, and pioneering new digital health initiatives. This second annual State of the Science Workshop brings together leaders from the military, Federal, and civilian sectors to discuss ongoing efforts to enable systemwide improvement for the MHS and the Nation.

Date: April 2nd & 3rd 
Time: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: 6720A Rockledge Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817 (HJF Bethesda Auditorium)

Invitations will be sent at a later date and will include information on lodging, parking, and meals.

This will be an in-person event with a virtual option available.

For more information please call 205-415-0784.